Feedback Survey 2023



2023 Feedback Survey

  • Current MP Contact
  • MP Feedback
  • Your details
1. Do you live in the Darlington Constituency?
2. Have you ever contacted Peter Gibson MP?
3. If you answered yes to question 2, please indicate how you have contacted Peter Gibson MP.
4. If you answered yes to question 2, please also tell us did you receive a response from Peter Gibson MP?
5. If you answered yes to question 2 please also tell us how satisfied you were with your response?
6. Have you received a copy of Peter Gibson's Darlington Matters newsletter in the last 6 months?
7. Have you seen regular updates from Peter Gibson MP?
8. If selected yes, please tick all that apply?
9. Are you aware that Peter hosts regular surgeries?
10. Has Peter attended your local School, Workplace, Church or Community Group?
On a scale of 1- 5 how well do you think Peter is serving Darlington (1 being not very well at all and 5 being exceptionally well)
On a scale of 1- 5 how hard do you think Peter is working Darlington (1 being not very hard at all and 5 being exceptionally hard)
14. Are you aware of Peter's work on these issues, tick all that apply.